The exceptional life and exploits of the greatest hellenic leader gave life to the myth right after his death and over time fueled countless legends. Alexander was the son of Philip II of Macedon, of the Argead dynasty who claimed descent from Herakles, and of Olympias, daughter of Neptolamos I, king of the Molossians who ... (read)
Centaurs were monstrous and wild creatures that lived in the woods of Thessaly. They were born from Ixion and Nephele, their body half man and half horse is the mythical transposition of the cult that the ancient Kentauros tribe, like that of the Lapitos, had for the horse, an animal sacred to the Moon Goddess ... (read)
Livius Andronicus is responsible for spreading the legend of Odysseus, the mythical king of Ithaca, with another name: Ulysses. In fact, this was the name that the Greece-roman dramatic, in his translation of the Odyssey from Greek into Latin in the third century BC, wanted to give to the character who, already present in the Iliad, became the ... (read)
The myth of Achilles is what Homer sings in his Iliad and the poem itself seems to be built on the figure of the hero right from the first verse: "Sing to me, o Diva, of Pelide Achilles the deadly wrath …" It also seems that the Iliad was born from a poem that could be sung in just one night and was entitled ... (read)